Do you like to play a scrabble
game? Do you know how to win this board
game? If you are new to this game then
this article will help you a lot. Today, I am going to share some tips through
which one can play Scrabble game smartly
and beat his competitors. I am sure you would enjoy this word game even more
after learning the below mentioned tips and strategies.
Now you can play scrabble on the web as there are various websites that offer the opportunity to play Scrabble online against other users. On some sites, you can play this game for free. There are few things that you need to consider while playing scrabble online. If you want to beat your competitors then you must learn a variety of words that consists of a lot of vowels. Once you mug up your vocabulary with vowels, you have the capability to make lots of different words through which you can earn good points. Here are some examples of words that include vowels – Ease, Aeon, Aura, Eave etc.
A few tactics for scrabble game are as
- Scrabble is a board game in which more than four players can play at a time. Scoring more and more points is not a difficult task, if your vocabulary is enriched with words.
- Try to mug up as many words as you can so that you won’t get stuck while playing the game.
- You should start brushing up on your words so that you could get more familiar with a variety of words. You can form new words faster by using these letters.
- Shuffle your tiles so that you could come up with new ideas. The sure shot way to win this game is to make a right move. When you shuffle the tiles in a different manner, new ideas will pop up in your mind.
- The Internet is the best source where you can find tons of words and enrich your vocabulary by simply clicking the mouse. There are many websites (such as scrabbleicious and many others) available where you can enjoy playing scrabble online.

- Try to avoid using common words and let your mind open to use unusual words that are not used on a daily basis. These words can be easier to come up and bring you more points.
- You can also use a scrabble dictionary to refine your vocabulary skills and perform outstandingly. Never get confused when you are having the characters ‘Z’ or ‘X’ and do not rush up to get rid of this. Be patient so that you would get the right opportunity to play this character over a square. Through this technique you can earn good number of points easily.
- You should memorize the most incomprehensible words. For instance it is required to memorize all 101 two-alphabetical words specifically these newly acceptable ones such as: QI, KI, KA, AA, and ZA.
- Try to play a short word instead of a long one, so that your opponent won’t get the double or triple points. This strategy is considered the most important one.
- Check out the board first before making a move so that you can figure out possible options. Maintain a balance of vowels against the consonants is good for your game.
- One of the strategic defense moves is to play parallel words. This means to place words on top, below and on right, left sides of an existing scrabble board.
Now you can play scrabble on the web as there are various websites that offer the opportunity to play Scrabble online against other users. On some sites, you can play this game for free. There are few things that you need to consider while playing scrabble online. If you want to beat your competitors then you must learn a variety of words that consists of a lot of vowels. Once you mug up your vocabulary with vowels, you have the capability to make lots of different words through which you can earn good points. Here are some examples of words that include vowels – Ease, Aeon, Aura, Eave etc.
Surprise your friends with your
scrabble tactics and beat them by making a huge score in the game!!